Principles of healthy drinking in the diet

Principles of healthy drinking in the diet

Many people focus on their diet and eating healthy meals regularly, but they often forget the important element of the fluids they consume. Proper drinking is a key part of a healthy diet and should not be underestimated. In today's article, we will outline some healthy drinking rules that you should implement into your daily routine.

1. Drink the right amount of water

Water is a basic component of our body and performs many important functions. Therefore, it is important to drink an adequate amount of water every day. It is recommended to consume 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, although the amount may vary depending on height, weight, physical activity and weather conditions. Water helps keep the body hydrated, supports brain function, improves digestion and affects the appearance of our skin.

2. Limit consumption of sweetened beverages

Sweetened drinks, such as colas and energy drinks, often contain large amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners. Consumption of such drinks can lead to overweight, diabetes and other diseases. Therefore, it is a good idea to limit their consumption or replace them with healthier alternatives, such as water with fresh fruit, tea or homemade vegetable and fruit juices.

3. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol has a negative effect on our bodies, especially in excess. Consuming alcohol in large quantities can lead to liver damage, metabolic disorders and other serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to drink alcohol moderately and consciously. It is recommended to limit alcohol consumption to one drink a day for women and two for men.

4. Choose healthy drinks

There are many drinks available on the market, but not all of them are healthy and nutritionally valuable. It is important to choose drinks that are natural and free of artificial additives. Healthy drinks include freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, homemade smoothies with fresh ingredients, as well as green tea and herbal infusions. Such drinks provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

5. Don't forget about coffee and tea

Coffee and tea are among the most popular drinks in the world. Both drinks have their benefits and nutritional value, but they should be consumed in moderation. Coffee and tea should be drunk without added sugar, milk or cream to avoid extra calories and unnecessary sweeteners. Too much caffeine consumption can lead to over-stimulation and sleep problems, so it's best to limit their intake to 2-3 cups a day.


Proper drinking is an integral part of a healthy diet. We should take care to keep the body properly hydrated, avoid sweetened drinks and consume alcohol in moderation. Let's choose healthy drinks, such as fresh fruit and vegetable juices, green tea or herbal infusions. Let's also remember to consume coffee and tea in moderation. Implementing these rules into your daily routine will bring many benefits to your health.


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