Healthy lunch recipes for work

Healthy lunch recipes for work

Sometimes it's hard to find time to prepare a healthy lunch for work. In a hurry, we often reach for quick and unhealthy snacks that are not good for our health and well-being. That's why it's worth considering some simple but tasty and healthy lunch recipes that we can take with us to work.

1. Salad with grilled chicken and vegetables

One simple and tasty lunch idea is a salad with grilled chicken and vegetables. You need chicken fillets, your favorite vegetables (such as cherry tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers), lettuce and your favorite salad dressing. Grill the chicken fillets in a skillet with your favorite seasonings.

We slice the vegetables and add them to the plate. Finally, we add the sliced chicken and pour the whole thing with our favorite salad dressing. Such a salad is full of protein, vegetables and vitamins, while being low in calories.

2. Tortilla with vegetables and hummus

Another tasty and healthy recipe is tortilla with vegetables and hummus. You need whole wheat tortillas, your favorite vegetables (e.g. peppers, carrots, lettuce), hummus and sauce (e.g. yogurt, garlic).

We cut the vegetables into thin strips, and gently heat the tortilla in a pan. Then we spread it with hummus, lay out the vegetables and pour the sauce over it. We wrap the tortilla and we're done! Such a lunch is light, delicious and rich in vitamins and fiber.

3. Quinoa with vegetables and tofu

Quinoa is a superfood that will be perfect as an ingredient for a healthy lunch. You need quinoa, your favorite vegetables (such as broccoli, carrots, peas), tofu and spices.

We cook the quinoa according to the instructions on the package. We cut the vegetables into cubes and steam or fry in a pan. We cut tofu into cubes and fry it until golden brown. Then we combine everything together, add our favorite seasonings (such as soy sauce, ginger) and mix. Such a lunch is rich in vegetable protein and healthy fats.

4. Whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce and vegetables

Pasta is one of the favorite dishes of many people. In a healthy version, we can prepare whole grain pasta with tomato sauce and favorite vegetables. We need whole wheat pasta, tomato sauce, favorite vegetables (such as zucchini, eggplant, peppers) and spices.

We cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package. We cut the vegetables into cubes and fry them in a pan. Then we add tomato sauce and spices and simmer for a few minutes. Finally, we mix with cooked pasta. Such a lunch is filling, full of fiber and vitamins.

5. Avocado and egg sandwiches

Sandwiches are always a good idea for lunch for work. In a healthy version, we can prepare sandwiches with avocado and egg. We need whole-grain bread, avocado, eggs and spices.

We toast the bread or gently heat it. We make a paste from the avocado, adding seasonings (e.g. salt, pepper, lemon). We hard boil or sauté the eggs. Then we spread avocado paste on bread and add sliced eggs. Such a lunch is full of healthy fats, protein and vitamins.

Healthy lunch recipes for work can be simple, tasty and full of nutritional value. It's worth taking the time to prepare such a lunch that will keep us feeling good for the rest of the day.


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